Rotary Club of Gaya City Bihar - Rotary India

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Total Services 21
Flag Exchange

Members of Rotary received Rotarian Dr Thuta Aung from Mynamar and . . .

DG Official Club visit

Rotary Club of Gaya City is known for its dedication to social serv. . .

General body meeting

A general body meeting was held at API Bhawan .Discussion about DG. . .

republic day celebration

On 26 January Republic Day was celebrated at Madhya Vidyalaya Dihur. . .

General Body meeting

A GB was held on 12 th January and following agenda was discussed . . .

District conference Junoon at Banagalore

about 7 members of club attended district conference Junoon at Bang. . .

Board Meeting

A board meeting wa held at Dhamma Bodhi. About 15 members were pres. . .

General Meeting and Fellowwship

On 20th Dec new year celebration and general body meeting was held. . .

general body meeting

A general body meeting is to be held on 15/12/24 . Time : 11am P. . .

general body meeting

A meeting was held at Kel parishar ground on 7th november. It was d. . .

Club assembly

on 27 th octobrer club assembly was held at hotel Hayat . Members w. . .

Diwali Meet

The diwali meet was held at Hotel Hyat Bodh Gaya. Club members and . . .

Felicitation of Club Members by PDG S P Bagaria

Following club members were felicitated by PDG S P Bagaria. Rtn Ki. . .

General body meeting

General body meeting was held on 10th of September at Abhineet Nurs. . .

Teachers Day Celebration

Today on first September, Rotary Gaya city celebrated teachers Day . . .

Independance day Celebration

On 15th August, Independence Day flag hoisting was done at API bhaw. . .

Board of Director Meeting

Board of directors meeting was held at API Bhavan and following mat. . .

General Meeting Cum Picnic

A general body meetimg cum picnic party held at a farmhouse near Ja. . .

Regular Meeting

A general body meeting of Rotary club of Gaya city was held on 22nd. . .

44th Installation Ceremony

installation ceremony of club was held at Hotel Crowne Plaza..Light. . .